Main courses
4 hours
6-8 servings

Beef burgundy (beef bourguignon)

Beef Burgundy is considered by many as the best of stews. Like most such dishes, it dates back to the Middle Ages. It is considered to originate in France, where it was popularized in the early 20th century. However, thanks to American chef Julia Child and her recipe published in 1961, the dish became popular all over the world. The foundation of this stew is of course beef, usually chuck and as the name suggests a sauce based on red wine from Burgundy, which is the east-central part of France. As is often the case with iconic recipes, every chef has his or her "best" formula. The most common ingredients are small pearl onions, carrots, mushrooms and bacon. That being said, I invite you to check out my version of this recipe prepared in cooperation with Zaczyk, a producer of excellent Polish beef.

Main courses
4 hours
6-8 servings

Beef burgundy (beef bourguignon)

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